#11 Edward Weston-Toadstool

December 6, 2009

I love this photograph is because that the toadstool looks like an old turntable’s speaker. I can image that music flows from the center of the dark space. Edward Weston really captured the natural beauty of the toadstool. At same time, he transformed this vegetable into another form of art. It can be an abstract painting, a turntable’s speaker, or even an explosion.

#12 Edward Weston-Nude

December 6, 2009

One of reasons why I like Edward Weston’s nude photographs is because he transformed the real beauty of women’s body. In his photographs, human form can change as a mountain, a river, or even a cloud. Another reason I like his photographs is that he always use simple lighting to create sophisticated textures. His subject is not only about the beauty of women’s shape, but also about a sense of soft feeling.

#13 Edward Weston- Orchid

December 6, 2009

In this picture, he shot the orchid in a very close distance. Again, he frame his composition by cropping the edge and bring out the center textures of the flower. He eliminated the unnecessary leaf and keep the frame as simple as he can by only shows the most important part of the orchid.

#14 Edward Weston-Eggplant

December 5, 2009

By using 8×10 large format camera, Edward Weston’s still life such as shells, peppers,and vegetable studies are full of tonality. He also used small aperture to catch whole details of the eggplant.

#15 Edward Weston- Leaf

December 5, 2009

I like this photograph because it was so simple and elegant shows the texture of a leaf. The rhizomes looks like rivers flows out from the top into dark background. Edward Weston has been said “Anything that excites me for any reasons, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.” I believe, sometimes the most difficult thing is to photograph ordinary things because we have been so use to see common subjects in our daily life. And I believe what Weston means is that a photographer shouldn’t search inspirations from unusual subjects, one should get inspiration from anything that attract his or her eyes.