#1 Edward Weston-Portrait

December 6, 2009

What I like Edward Weston’s portrait is that he always use simple lighting to create powerful images. In here, he only use one light in 45 degree angle above the man. The light softly spread from the top and fall into the dark on the edge. To emphasize this man’s facial expression, as we can feel his angry, or was thinking about something.

#2 Edward Weston-Portrait

December 6, 2009

In 1923 Weston moved to Mexico City where he opened a studio, and he made important portraits and nude studies over several years. At same time, he also took pictures on the streets. In this photograph, he captured the characteristic of Mexico city. People are friendly, the building is full of paintings under the hight contrast sun light.

#3 Edward Weston- Portrait

December 6, 2009

The relationship between big city and individual person. This man looks very confident even though he was surrounding by those buildings and chimneys which are much taller than him. I assume he is a very successful man because from his appearance, he was wearing straight suit and nice leather shoes. Most importantly, he stand on the edge of building comfortably. From this picture, I can tell this man doesn’t afraid of taking any risk at all.

#4 Edward Weston- Portrait

December 6, 2009

This lady is a sculptor, she was wearing her working suit and her old, comfortable sneaker standing in front of her studio. In here, Edward Weston captured a real spirit of an artist. Her big hand just like men, protect her and support her. There is no genius of artist, only hard working artist.

#5 Edward Weston- Walls

December 6, 2009

Even a ruined building has it’s own beauty. In here, Edward Weston used broken walls and shadows to create three dimensional space. Also, he used very small aperture to bring in many details behind the buildings.

#6 Edward Weston- Architecture

December 6, 2009

Edward Weston’s architecture photography taught me,  it doesn’t have to put whole building in the frame. It should show the most beautiful part of the building. Also, we should pay attention of timing because the buildings will look different in different directions of shadow.

#7 Edward Weston- Landscape

December 6, 2009

This photograph was taken in 1940 in Point Lobos Dead valley, California. These trees lives under fair sunny days, winter rains, and dry summers. In order to survive under this rough climate, these trees grows into unique formations. Edward Weston successfully refined those trees’ spirits in this picture.

#8 Edward Weston- Clouds

December 6, 2009

Choosing clouds as a subject is challenging, because it was so common to see and hard to re-shoot it again. You only have one chance to catch the beautiful shape you see on the sky. Therefore, you should never feel hesitated to take pictures.

#9 Edward Weston-White Sands

December 6, 2009

Clouds are the most free form on the sky, they come from rivers, from oceans, and mountains. Even birds have their own destination to fly. What else could possibly free than a cloud? The answer is my mind, it is absolutely free from anything.

#10 Edward Weston-Artichoke

December 6, 2009

This is a photographs of Edward Weston’s vegetable studies. If I didn’t know it was an artichoke, I would think it is an inside view of flowers. He took the photograph with very close-up distance, clearly presents the layers and textures.